COVID-19 Guidelines Provided by Silver Lining Skating Club & Bridgewater Ice Arena.
The Bridgewater Ice Arena is open. We will have some very specific guidelines mandated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in response to Covid-19. Anyone entering the facility must submit a COVID 19 Waiver.
We are taking all the necessary precautions.
· Two spectators per youth participant is allowed, and are required to wear to a mask and social distance at all times. No spectators are allowed with a participant aged 21+.
·Please note that locker rooms and lobby are not open for use. Please get ready and put skates on outside/in the car.
·Please DO NOT ENTER THE RINK more than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled skate time.
Protecting our guests and employees is our number one priority. With that in mind, Silver Lining Skating and Bridgewater Ice Arena are taking numerous steps to reduce the potential for COVID-19 spread in our facility.
Some of these steps include enhanced cleaning and sanitation procedures as well as comprehensive physical distancing protocols.
For the health and safety of our employees and guests we ask everyone to follow the following rules:
·WEAR a Face Mask at all times when inside the facility (including while on the ice)
·DO NOT enter the facility if you feel ill, have a fever or cough, or short of breath, or have any protentional Covid-19 symptoms.
·DO NOT enter the facility if you have been in close physical contact within the last 14 days with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19
·Abide by physical distancing rules by keeping 6 Feet (about 2 arms lengths) away from others.
·Cover your coughs and sneezes.
·Use hand sanitizer before entering the facility.
·If you have a medical history that places you in a high-risk category for COVID-19, we recommend that you do not enter the facility.
·If you have tested Positive for Covid-19, please do not enter the facility unless you have followed and completed all protocols for isolation/quarantine as stated by the CDC and Board of Health.
·Wave Air purifiers have been installed in the HVAC ducts at the rink as an added disinfecting precaution.
Even with these precautions in place, Silver Lining Skating and Bridgewater Ice Arena cannot eliminate all risk associated with COVID-19. By choosing to make use of this facility, guests are assuming the risk that they may contract COVID-19 at the facility despite the Silver Lining Skating and Bridgewater Ice Arena’s best efforts to provide a clean and safe environment.